Developed by Advanced Software Concepts, asc420 is a terminal tool designed to offer DEC VT420 terminal emulation using the standard access interfaces of the Communication Toolbox.
asc420 is System 7.0 compliant and supports balloon help.
Hardware & Software Requirements :
- Any Macintosh with at least 128K Roms (Macintosh Plus and newers).
- Macintosh System Software 6.0.4 or later.
- The Macintosh Communications Toolbox v. 1.0 or later.
- A Communications Toolbox compliant application like 5PM (our own powerful
terminal emulation application), ClarisWorks or MacTerminal.
Installation Procedure for asc420:
1) Make sure the Communications Toolbox is correctly installed.
2) Load the "ascVT Fonts" font file onto your system
Make sure to trash any older version of asc420Prefs and asc420Fonts.
3) Copy the asc420 tool to your
"Communications Folder" located in the System Folder if you are running
System 6.0x or in your "Extensions" folder if you are running System 7.0
4) Run your CTB compliant application, select the asc420 terminal tool,
and open the session.
• If you select TCPack as Connection Tool. Choose a DEC-VT100 Terminal Type in
the Terminal Configuration Dialog.
• The default colors and keyboard mapping provide a convenient
way to use your tool but you can change them if you prefer. Refer to the Help
dialog for more information.
5) Use the On-line help if you have any problems.
Known Problems :
* Keyboard mapping on a Powerbook.
The Enter key (next to the space bar) is considered as a modifier key and can not be changed.
If you are interested in some additional information, please contact us at :